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From the project to the MEDFORVAL network: collaborating for high ecological value Mediterranean forests

From the project to the MEDFORVAL network: collaborating for high ecological value Mediterranean forests

From the project to the MEDFORVAL network: collaborating for high ecological value Mediterranean forests
Année : 2017
Référence : T. XXXVIII, n°3, 2017, pp. 411-416.

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Launched in 2015, the Medforval project led to the creation of the eponymous network, with the objective of creating a network of forest sites with high ecological value in the Mediterranean, as a place for exchange and advocacy around these territories. This paper first presents the initial ground of the project, as well as the approach taken for the definition of high ecological value forests. It then goes on to describe the actions carried out within the framework of the project, but also to pave the way for the future of the newly born network. Finally, as part of the side event dedicated to the project during the 5th Mediterranean Forest Week, four interventions provided concrete insights into some of the activities carried out by the network's sites.

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