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Monitoring the land with Collect Earth: free, innovative, open access, multi-purpose software

Monitoring the land with Collect Earth: free, innovative, open access, multi-purpose software

Monitoring the land with Collect Earth: free, innovative, open access, multi-purpose software
Année : 2017
Auteur(s) : ALOUI K.
Référence : T. XXXVIII, n°3, 2017, pp. 383-386.

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Collect Earth is a free, open-access “Open Foris” tool. It enables data to be gathered from images from Google Earth and Google Earth Engine with no need to download satellite images or conduct field visits. Data collection is based on a systematic sampling in which each plot covers 0.5 ha in reference to the FAO's minimum area for a forest used in its Assessment of Global Forestry Resources. An analysis of the collected data enables an idea to be obtained about the utilisation of the land and changes in use over a given period of time. Tunisia has used this tool for assessing land use and changes to it in the arid regions of North Africa, sampling 15,077 plots during the period 2001-2015, and, in Tunisia,15,850 plots in the period 2000-2016.

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