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Local governance: issues and methods

Local governance: issues and methods

Local governance: issues and methods
Année : 2017
Auteur(s) : BOURLION N., MONTGOLFIER (de) J.
Référence : T. XXXVIII, n°3, 2017, pp. 359-366.

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The current challenges faced by Mediterranean forests undeniably require the active participation of public and private stakeholders in the use, development, management and conservation of forest resources and woodlands. This is particularly relevant in the Mediterranean context, which is characterized by a multitude of functions, uses and users, where the direct profitability of logging does not always allow a sufficient flow of economic resources to support forestry policies and public development programs. The purpose of this article is not to present a comprehensive list of initiatives of governance and participatory management, nor to bring its reader and potential user to choose a methodology from those presented. Rather, the aim is to define participatory governance and its key principles that managers and stakeholders in the regions can draw on to develop participatory governance methodologies and tools tailored to their needs, objectives and resources.

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